Searchbloom’s Mission:

To be the most trusted, transparent, and results-driven SEO & PPC marketing company in the industry.

About Searchbloom

Searchbloom Team - All Hands In!

From our humble beginnings, Searchbloom was founded by a very simple concept: To provide more value than we receive in payment.

Searchbloom was created with the idea that there could be a better Search Engine Marketing experience, one that focused on client partnerships and getting our client partners a higher return on their investment.

This is when the Searchbloom promise was born.

The Searchbloom Promise

“We have made a commitment to ourselves and our partners that we will never bring on a new partner client unless we KNOW we can generate an ROI.”

You Are Much More Than a Client.

Searchbloom creates lasting relationships. We want you to be our Partner, not our client.

Our Leadership Team

Through careful selection, we’ve curated a group of digital marketing experts that are not only knowledgeable and experienced but ultimately care about providing the most value to our partners, regardless of their size, scope, or industry. Whether you’re a small business owner, a marketing guru, or growing a national brand, our team is here to help you maximize your online presence and receive the maximum return on investment.

  • Cody C Jensen

    Cody C. Jensen

    CEO & Founder

  • Jordan Connor 1

    Jordan Conner

    Executive Vice President

  • ryan

    Ryan Dorn


  • jonathan Blue BG scaled e1634238046719

    Jonathan Rogers

    Sr. Director of Operations

  • matt searchbloom

    Matt Hickman

    Director of PPC

  • Jeremy Tew

    Jeremy Tew

    Development Manager

  • Tyson Hymas

    Tyson Hymas

    Sr. SEO Analyst

  • jordan rininger

    Jordan Rininger

    Sr. SEO Analyst

  • Alec Hollingsworth 1 scaled

    Alec Hollingsworth

    Sr. SEO Analyst

  • Beth Wise Sr

    Beth Wise

    Sr. SEO Analyst

  • Callie King Front

    Callie King-Stevens

    Content Writer

  • Moubin Ghafoory Content Writer

    Moubin Ghafoory

    Content Writer

  • Veronica Mamotos

    Veronica Mamotos

    Outreach Technician

  • israel

    Israel James

    Sr. Web Developer

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Our Values

Values often differ between people, and when you put that into a workplace it can make it difficult to construct a unified vision.

Searchbloom’s six core values are the collaborative outcome of our exploration into how and why we’re different. As such, they are designed to help inspire, direct, and at times, humble.

Lasting relationships commence from common ground that builds trust and leads to mutual respect. No matter who you’re building a relationship with, the relationship-building paradigm is the same.

At Searchbloom, this means going the extra mile with someone to ensure that the ground beneath you grows. That’s why everyone here works to build deeper, stronger relationships that contribute to the success of our other core values.

  • Be caring and always improving.
  • Mutual Respect is foundational to any lasting relationship.
  • Be who you is (embrace others by who they is)
  • We Build V.A.L.U.E. Relationships (Vulnerability, Authenticity, Level-Headed, Upfront, Empathy)

Owning it is the value of accountability.You take ownership of your successes, failures, and the work that leads to either outcome. This is built on the three components of Trust, Knowing Your Objective, and Responsibility.

When these three components work together, we can quickly solve problems and push to greater heights. That’s why we sweat the small stuff.

  • Be Consistent and Dependable.
  • Follow through, follow through, follow through.
  • Micro management is unnecessary because we know our team is disciplined.
  • We hold ourselves and one another accountable to Searchbloom standards.
  • We take responsibility for a ‘dropped ball’, even when it isn’t totally our fault.
  • Uncompromising attention to detail.

There are two schools of thought with communication:

The first views it as a ping pong match. Ideas are exchanged back and forth until the match is ended.

The second views it as a house that’s under construction. You work together to build common meaning, and in that way everyone works intuitively toward a common goal.

At times, each of these will be true.

Take the first. It implies a winner and a loser, and at times that needs to happen. Clear communication, solid reasons for your thinking, and a plan of action can often win the day with a partner or team member who thinks their way is better. Sometimes keeping it crystal means showing others a better way.

And in the case of the second: Everyone at Searchbloom has a role (that they own), and you have to communicate clearly with them to meet your goals. When done well, it creates a win-win scenario and we are all better for it. But if we all have a different understanding of Search Engine Marketing, our goals, and what our partner wants, we can’t succeed.

Either way you look at it, good communication greases the wheels of organizations and relationships.

When it works, it works. Searchbloom and her partners will see explosive growth, and it’s easy to take for granted.

But when it breaks, battle lines are drawn – and every other value at Searchbloom starts to suffer. That’s why this value is so important.

Build the house!

  • Be Clear in ALL Communication.
  • When in doubt, pick up the phone!
  • We seek first for understanding, then to be understood.
  • Don’t shy away from the tough conversations.
  • Be proactive with the WHAT and WHY.

Taking pulse is how we get results. It’s the process we use to discover what to say “yes” or “no” to, and it’s how we take the complex topics we work with and make them simple.

A similar way to think of it is to “Do it once, and do it right.” That’s the efficiency that keeps you engaged and happy at work. It’s what brings progress for Searchbloom, her partners, and your life.

  • Be Effective, not just Efficient.
  • Be intentional with your day, your week, and your priorities.
  • Begin with the End in Mind.
  • Take time to reflect on the forest, then focus on the trees.
  • See all aspects of your life, not just work.

In the bigger scheme of things – what keeps you going?

On one hand, you have people who rely entirely on motivation. These are the people who find some spark to push them to the top of the hill each and every day. Though some days are better than others, they find inspiration in the ever-lauded motivational cat posters of the world.

On the other hand, you have people who rely entirely on discipline to roll the rock to the top of the hill. Rain, snow, or sunshine, they dig deep and power through based on their own willpower – regardless of what the world has to say.

Which side is best? And what do we look for at Searchbloom?

We believe the answer lies in between these two goalposts. Our aim is for everyone to know their why – and press on even if they forget their why sometimes.

Both are needed to be truly successful, and are encapsulated in the simple phrase “we got this.” This attitude helps create a climate of positivity and growth that’s essential to our mission.

When everyone is positive and active, satisfaction with work, life, and everything else improves.

At Searchbloom, this value makes us feel invincible – immortal even – and is always infectious.

  • Be positive and confident.
  • Feed the RIGHT wolf.
  • Everything we do starts in our minds – We control what’s in our minds.
  • Our attitude determines how far we go, how high we fly, and how hard we push.
  • We are self-motivated and self-aware.
  • We’re humble because we remember where we came from.

Our mission – Search Engine Marketing – is an ever-changing discipline. It will forever be an uphill battle – a Sisyphean task.

That is why we say “never let it rest.” No matter what, you have to keep pushing the rock.

When you always push in your work, discipline, or career – people will notice. Results will follow. Promises will be kept, and failures will be taken in stride.

At work, when people live this value it looks like constant collaboration and communication.

When we are met with problems, we chip away at the task until a solution is found. This applies to partner work, culture, and everything in between.

And at Searchbloom, this means everyone is constantly developing into their best.

We push the rock to the top of the hill, and then find a new hill.

  • Be Persistent and Unrelenting.
  • Keep pushing the ROCK.
  • We value quality work, innovation, and continual improvement.
  • Follow up, follow up, follow up.
  • We never let up on our promises.
  • Take calculated risks, because we’re not content with the status quo.
  • Failure is a part of success and we learn from our mistakes.

Award-winning Agency

Searchbloom has been recognized for being a leading Clutch agency in digital marketing. We hold a solid reputation for being a trusted provider of quality Search Engine Marketing services.

Searchbloom Named One of the Fastest Growing Companies According to MWCN’s Utah 100
Two years in a row.

Recent Awards:
Best Retail Ecommerce SEO Initiative 2021
Top Digital Marketing Company
Top 1000 Companies Clutch 2022
Best Ecommerce SEO in 2022
Top SEO Services Company
Best Enterprise SEO in 2021
Best SEO Companies in Salt Lake City in 2021
BEST PPC Management in 2021
Best Ecommerce SEO in 2021
Top Clutch 1000 2020
Top Clutch B2B 2020
Clutch 100 Fastest Growth 2020
Clutch 100 Sustained Growth 2020
Top Enterprise SEO Company 2020
Top SEO Company 2019
Top SEM Company 2019
Clutch 1000 2019
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Searchbloom Culture Team

Our Culture Teams Mission Statement

  • Culture Team

Searchbloom Careers

If you are ready for a fulfilling and exciting challenge, then we want to hear from you.

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They have a strong team that gets things done and moves quickly.

The website helped the company change business models and generated more traffic. SearchBloom went above and beyond by creating extra content to help drive traffic to the site. They are strong communicators and give creative alternative solutions to problems.
Mackenzie Hill
Mackenzie HillFounder, Lumibloom

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